The end is nigh
Happy New Year! I appreciate the lateness of the greeting... After Semester ended I needed to wrap up an online course on Pastoral Ethics (No research paper but I had to write a letter addressing an ethical dilemma) and then as soon as the New Year Began I was back in Seminary for an intensive one week course on the books of Acts and Romans (Paper is due in two days!). Last Semester I wrapped up the Major & Minor Prophets (Paper on Authorship of Isaiah & Isaiah 61), Communication II (Written Sermon on 2 Samuel 15), Church Polity (Paper on the election of Deacons), and Pastoral Counselling (No full paper, simply lots of reflective papers) courses.”
This semester my final classes are Joshua - Esther, Preaching Lab II, Covenant Theology, and Christ, Culture, & Contextualisation. I also have to take part in a Field Internship Seminar for a few weeks (I'm presenting the first week of term!) and complete three more exit exams (One General Bible exam and two smaller exams on the Westminster, Shorter Catechism). Less core classes to worry about but lots of small assignments and paperwork!
Ministry wise I taught the Senior Adult Sunday School throughout December in a series I called "The Christ of the Carols" where I lead a series of devotional talks based on a few Christmas Carols. I will also be speaking at the Senior adults monthly Luncheon next Friday! On top of that I am helping one of the Pastors at Christ Covenant in his Adult Sunday School Class on Getting Alongside One Another. I'll be teaching at the end of February on serving one another through prayer.
As for plans for next year we are still waiting to hear back exactly where we will end up but it seems very likely we will be in Northern Ireland serving within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the denomination I grew up with. Give thanks for an open door and pray that we'd get some clarity soon! We have plenty of things to sort out before we leave, the largest ones are shipping and Douglas' Passport.
Matthew Kirk - RTS Charlotte