English lessons and the gospel

My ministry focus continues to be internationals… so I have been involved with our Free English Lessons (FEL) and IConnect.. We saw our numbers triple at the beginning of term from what they had been last year. The numbers have now come down a fair bit, but this has enabled us as a team to start getting to know the people who are coming and building friendships. It has been a joy seeing people we knew last year coming again as well.

Our prayer is that FEL would be a gateway into the church and other things we run like… our Bible study groups for internationals. It is for believers and for those who are seeking. One of our groups this year has really grown. It has been such a blessing seeing international students coming along keen to dig into God’s Word and grow in their relationship with Him. In the group for seekers we have a man coming along who is really asking a lot of great questions. It is amazing to see the work that God is doing in his heart. However, we would like to have more people joining this group on a regular basis

Megan Tibberts - Christ Church, Southampton

Alan Bright