Cornhill concluding


I have one final week of Cornhill to go! On 19 June we will have our final classes and then Tuesday 20th - Thursday 22nd we will attend Cornhill's Expository Ministry Conference in Glasgow. 

Studying at Cornhill has been a delight this year. Understanding books of the Bible has given me confidence in reading God's word for myself, and a greater ability to engage with sermons and Bible studies. There have been so many personal lessons learnt from God's word such as in our classes in Romans how we are to wait eagerly (8:23) but patiently (8:25) for the Lords return.

I am very grateful for all I have been taught, but also for the ability to do that under Godly teachers and alongside eager students. The fellowship and fun had in between classes has been a massive source if encouragement to me. 

Erin Hamill - ministry trainee, St Andrew’s Free Church

Alan Bright