Bristol Mission

[The CU].. filled the 7:45 prayer meetings each morning, and… were very keen to hear from God’s Word and pray for their friends. Even students who couldn’t make the events themselves because of compulsory commitments nevertheless came in early to pray. I have no doubt that much of the ensuing fruitfulness from the week is linked to their faithful prayers and fervent seeking of the Lord. 

Almost every event was at full capacity, with roughly half being friends of CU members, and the other half being people who came off the back of flyering earlier in the day, especially many international students. Highlights include SM, a maths student who used to be an atheist but has been agnostic since last year. He came off the back of coming across the CU stall, and has come to every event since as well as signed up to the follow-on Christianity Explored course. I also had good chats with a number of friends of CU members and other guests.

God has been very kind in giving the team the wisdom and resources we need to present the gospel in a variety of ways. There was a Salsa night, an international afternoon tea, and food for thought dinners, each with an appropriately linked gospel talk. Thank you for praying for my interview by Andrew Sach on “How can an astrophysicist believe in God?”. Andrew is a very skilled and fun interviewer, and we started off with some astrophysics trivia before diving into the meat of questions about god-of-the-gaps objections, the history and philosophy of science, miracles in the bible, multi-verse theories, and astrophysical end of the world scenarios. We ended on a more personal angle with my coming to faith testimony, as well as how knowing Jesus made a difference in a very difficult time in my life. All the events were well received, and sparked off more follow on conversations between non-Christian guests and CU members.

Philip Leung - Cornhill

Alan Bright